February half term outdoor activities – Outdoor Education Service

Coventry Outdoors will be running a series of outdoor activity days aimed for children and young people who are aged 9-13 years old. Coventry Outdoors Activity Camps gets children and young people into the wild, where they will learn and experience an unforgettable adventure, from survival techniques to all sorts of outdoor activities and challenges, whilst making new friends and having lots of fun!

We strongly believe that being outdoors fully-immersed in the natural environment helps children and young people explore different ways to boost self-awareness and confidence, cultivate greater happiness and find greater wellbeing.


Monday 12th February, 10am – 3pm

Tuesday 13th February, 10am – 3pm

Wednesday 14th February, 10am – 3pm

Activities include:

Combat Archery
Laser Tag
Survival Skills

To book on to our Outdoor Activity Camps please visit www.coventry.gov.uk/coventryoutdoors or contact us via e-mail outdooreducation@coventry.gov.uk