Year 6: lead up to SATs

In year 6, we have been working very hard in our Maths groups. In the lead up to SATs, we have split year 6 pupils into 4 groups: Mrs Williams, Miss Stewart, Mr Auld and Mrs Lea. Each Maths group is learning about a different strand of Maths but all Maths groups are also practising mental Maths skills within lessons.

Some of our recommended websites with Maths games on to help children with arithmetic skills include:
1. ‘Topmarks’ website which includes times tables and division practice (Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (;
2. ‘Times table Rockstars’ (;
3. ‘Mathsframe’ which includes arithmetic year 6 questions (Y6 Arithmetic Practice – Mathsframe);
4. ‘Topmarks’ website daily questions which can focus on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division or fractions (Daily 10 – Mental Maths Challenge – Topmarks)

KS2 Maths – BBC Bitesize

Please do encourage your child to access these websites at home as they are really fun and so useful in consolidating learning!!

A sample of some online SATS revision resources to try at home!